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001376_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Tue Oct 24 17:12:49 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 20:06:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com>
To: Bob Ingold <ingold@agames.com>
Cc: Lightwave Post <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Re: How to make more Amiga Memory
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Actually Bob, there is no longer the reason to... I was able to find it
on a different Aminet site, and after some experimentation, I am under
the impression that this is just another dumb hack. I remember some time
ago, trying out some gizmoware that claimed to increase the preformance
of ones CPU speed. While it reported to be functioning at a faster clock
speed, tests in Lightwave proved otherwise. Some sort of smoke and
mirrors and losts of hope ;))
But what I can't figure out about Memdoubler, is that not only is it
reporting the extra memory from LW scene panel, it actually APPEARS to be
taking advantage of it when loading in massive scenes and images. It is
not until you try to render out that the machine finds itself out of
memory and crashes (followed by an extended lockup, while the machine is
looking for the memory that it's OS reported was there, no doubt).
Anyway, if someone else would prove me wrong, I am sure that everyone
with an Amiga is going to be jumping for joy ;) But for now, it seems
obvious why the program was residing in the games/gags dir of Aminet ;))
Robert Cohen / Ocean Township NJ Lightwave Animator / Video Editor
robert.cohen@njland.com / rcohen@monmouth.com
Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com> sent this message.
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